Saturday, January 22, 2011

Knock Knock. Who's there? A camel. A camel who? What I rode a camel in Mogolia?

Hello folks, it's me Steve, writing to you from the apartment of Charles and Anita Jackson in UB. Yes we flew out of the small city of Bayanhongor this afternoon and we are now in the big city of UB. Our past five days have been unforgettable. If you've ever gone to a bible camp for a week and become attached to some people by the end of the short time, then you probably know how we feel right now. We made many friends with the YWAM students who were doing their DTS while we were there. In fact, they had their graduation yesterday morning, which our team decorated for. I hope they liked the bedsheets that were carefully draped from the ceiling and all the snowflakes that Melanie and Emily cut out.
A few of my highlights from the week were the Mercy Ministry, teaching English, playing soccer in -20 weather, and... camel riding. Mercy Ministry was something we did on Tuesday afternoon where we went to a couple homes of families who had a sick or injured family member. Melanie and I went to the home of a woman who had been bed ridden for the past five years after having a stroke. The family and her were not believers, so I asked if I could read from my bible in Matt. 8 where Jesus heals the man of leprosy and the Roman soldiers servant. When they heard this, one of the men asked one of our translators something. It must have been about Jesus because she took a few minutes to share the gospel with the entire family. We then prayed for healing over the woman. It was an extremely powerful experience. Melanie told me that a couple days later at a church cell group that her and Emily attended, the man who asked about Jesus was there also for the very first time. Praise Jesus.

Now for the camel adventure. Yesterday our team was fortunate enough to travel a few kilometers out of town so that we could ride a couple camels. It was sweet. We all took turns riding around with the man who owned the camels, but Luke and I wanted to take 'em for a rip on our own. The owner proverbially and literally handed us the reins and we were off... sort of. We got about fifty meters away and I guess they both blew a tire because they wouldn't move any further. The owner called them lazy camels. It was pretty funny nonetheless. Maybe our calling is not Mongolian herders any time soon. If your ever in Mongolia I strongly recommend the camel ride.

Well there are only a few more days here and I can't wait to tell you all about them soon enough. God Bless.


  1. So you are getting some of that cold weather that we thought you would get! The story of the man going to church after you were with them sounds like God is working through you. Amazing! One never knows what little things we do affect someone so profoundly. Can't wait to hear more stories and see the changes that have been made to all of you from these experiences. Love to all, Mom S. (Coral)

  2. knock knock.
    camels rock!
    who is there?
    I dont know.
    Why are you at my house talking to me about camels?
    I dont KNOW!
    Well then get out of here!!!
    From Team Colombia.

  3. Have a good flight back you guys!
