Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sorry for the inconvenience... Malfunction junction

Just an update, our blog page only shows some of our many videos filmed. Which, of course, for you is unfortunate. Now fortunately we have provided a series of steps for you to access this highly unclassified cheap entertainment, for your enjoyment.

Step 1: Click on the link above to be teleported to these documents. (if this fails just copy and paste the    link into your webular device.)

Step 2: Have your face exploded by happiness. 

Step 3: Now Make like a tree and Get out of Here!

You are most welcome

Love: Luke and Steve

(mostly Luke)


  1. Hi Guys and Gals, so glad you made it safely to your destination. Glad to see your talents put to use on video! Tons of snow here overnight and -10 currently. God's blessing and will watch for your next movie.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You guys are flipppin hilarious, your videos are splendid, truly. You must have been pretty bored. Im glad that you FINALLY made it to your destination after all that, safe & sound, God rocks.
    Im training to be a flight attendant now, so maybe i'll be the next one to tell you to put your shirts back on, ha.
    I look forward to hearing more.. Nice catch there Luke on the pickpocketers!
    cheers to more adventures!
    Be Blessed,

  3. Hey i dont want to hear that complaining about new traffic likes WE DONT HAVE ANY LIGHTS!!! or lines for that matter. If there is a spot to drive on, you drive on it (or walk or bike ect). with honking and random breaking, its pretty intense. and remember there is around 7 million people.
